রবিবার, ৩১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৬

304. AUDITING - 100

304. AUDITING - 100
Course Objective
The course is designed to achieve the following objectives. These are to
a.            explain the nature, purpose and scope of an Assurance Engagements
b.            explain the nature, purpose and scope of an audit and review of financial statements
c.            consider compliance with national laws and regulations in an audit and review
d.            appraise theoretical and regulatory national auditing frameworks and international auditing guidelines
e.            perform auditing procedures in EDP environment
f.              explain the professional ethics of a Professional Accountant
g.            outline the position of an auditor

1.01.       Meaning, Nature and Scope of Audit
1.02.       Objectives and Types of Audit
2.00        FRAMEWORK
2.01        International Framework for Assurance Engagements
2.02        ISAE 3000 Assurance Engagements Other Than Audit or Reviews of Historical Financial Information
2.03        ISAE 3400 The Examination of Prospective Financial Information
3.01        ISA 200-299 General Principles and Responsibilities
ISA 200  Objective and General Principles Governing an Audit of Financial Statements
ISA 210  Terms of Audit Engagements
ISA 220  Quality Control for Audits of Historical Financial Information
ISA 230 Audit Documentation
ISA 240  The Auditor's Responsibility to Consider Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements
ISA 250  Consideration 'of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements
ISA 260 Communication of Audit Matters with Those Charged with Governance
3.02        ISA 300-499 Risk Assessment and Response to Assessed RisksISA 300  Planning an Audit of Financial Statements
ISA315   Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement
ISA320   Audit Materiality
ISA330   The Auditor's Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks
ISA402   Audit Considerations Relating to Entities Using Service Organizations
3.03        ISA500-599 Audit Evidence
ISA500 Audit Evidence
ISA 510  Audit Evidence - Additional Considerations for Specific Items
ISA 505  External Confirmations
ISA 510  Initial Engagements - Opening Balances
ISA 520  Analytical Procedures
ISA 530  Audit Sampling and Other Means of Testing
ISA 540  Audit of Accounting Estimates
ISA 545  Auditing Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures
ISA 550  Related Parties
                ISA 560  Subsequent Events
ISA 570  Going Concern
ISA 580  Management Representations
3.04        ISA600-699 Using Work of Others
                ISA600   Special Considerations -Audits of Group Financial Statements
                ISA610   Considering the Work of Internal Auditing
                ISA620   Using the Work of an Expert
3.05        ISA700-799 Audit Conclusions and Reporting
ISA700   The Independent Auditor's Report on a Complete Set of General Purpose Financial Statements
ISA701   Modifications to the Independent Auditor's Report ISA710 Comparatives
ISA720   Other Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements
3.06        ISA800-899 Specialized Areas
ISA 800  The Independent Auditor's Report on Special Purpose Audit Engagements.
3.07        Audits in EDP Environment.
7.01        Audits in CIS Environment
4.01        Introduction and Fundamental Principles
4.02        Code of Professional Ethics Profession Accountants in Public Practice
4.03        Code of Professional Ethics Professional Accountant in Business
5.01.       Qualification and Disqualification of Auditor
5.02.       Appointment and Removal of auditors
5.03.       Rights and Powers of Auditors
5.04.       Responsibilities and duties of Auditor
5.05.       Remuneration of auditor
6.01.       Constitutional Provisions
6.02.       IFAC Guild lines for public sector Audit
Recommended Text books
1.             ISA Issued by IAASB, IFAC
2.             Code of Professional Ethics Issued by IAASB, IFAC
3.             Code of Ethics issued by ICAB
4.             Companies Act, 1994
5.             Part VI, Chapter-ii, Constitution of the Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh
6.             Public Sector Accounting and Auditing- A comparison to international Standard by World Bank, May 2007.
7.             Auditing - Khawaja Amjad Sayeed - 2008 edition 8. Modern Auditing - Gill.
8.             Modern Auditing - Gill.
9.            Contemporary Auditing - Kamal Gupta - 4th edition

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